


The Art Bus is more than just a vehicle for us to get around in. When we first received the bus as a generous gift, it was meant to help facilitate Pat Milbery and his team's adventures on the road as they traveled around the country on the So-Gnar Snowboard Camp Tour. Milbery and a few of his team members along with legendary pro-snowboarder/artist Jamie Lynn turned what was a normal-looking yellow school bus into a mobile piece of art, recognizable on the streets of Denver and beyond. The bus has become the silent fifth member of the art team, allowing the Creative Division to transport paint, wood panels, ladders and more! For the 2017-2018 winter season, we will be giving the bus a new facelift, updating the art as well as transforming it into a mobile wall ride for snowboarders and skiers alike to enjoy. Catch us in the mountains of Colorado this winter as we will be holding informal riding sessions for those who are 21+!